World History Readers (2) The British Empire, Then and Now with Audio CD-1片
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底下是 World History Readers (2) The British Empire, Then and Now with Audio CD-1片 的內容簡介
Seed Learning's World History Readers is a six-level non-fiction series specifically designed to prepare young learners for future study of academic material in English. The books include exciting and informative accounts of historical people and events.
Level 2-6
The British Empire, Then and Now
?How big was the British Empire?
?What is the Commonwealth on Nations?
?Where can we see the effects of the British Empire today?
In The British Empire, Then and Now, students will find the answers to these questions and much more. Students will read about the British Empire and how it still influences us today.
Word Count 704 words
作者: Rob Waring
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2017/01/01
- 語言:英文
: World History Readers (2) The British Empire, Then and Now with Audio CD-1片
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World History Readers (2) The British Empire, Then and Now with Audio CD-1片
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